Customer Story:
“We need to make an existing (and very elaborate PowerApp) “read-only” for a select audience.”
Granular role-based permissions in Microsoft technologies can snowball so easily into an unwieldy mess that it was even more satisfying to come up with this novel solution to the request. Rather than create dozens or hundreds of context-specific “enable” or “disable” rules throughout the PowerApp, I was able to leverage a simple SharePoint list to determine which screen the current user should be fwd’d to - and THEN apply a much smaller set of rules based on their role stored as a global variable. The icing on the cake here is that because of a mismatch between O365 and Active Directory, I also had to build in anticipatory logic to grab the current user’s information to check SharePoint against! Of course the perfect end result is a seamless experience for the end user and they notice none of this, save for a small warning they are in READ-ONLY mode!